Cannons have been around since the
middle ages, it was first developed in china shortly after the invention of
gunpowder and the technology eventually migrated to Europe.
The ignition process of cannons is achieved
by ramming a charge of gunpowder down the barrel followed by a cannon ball,
followed by igniting the fuse (after accounting for trajectory, wind and
distance) and running away.
back to the 1812 overture, it is a common misconception that it is meant to
commemorate the war of 1812 but instead to commemorate Russia’s defense from
Napoleon, which was also the turning point in the Napoleonic Wars (moral of all
military campaigns in Russia: never invade in the winter). The cannons were
incorporated to heighten the emotional effects of the music. AC/DC also used a
cannon in their song “For Those About to Rock”
And here's a link to the song with cannons because it's awesome: